Wednesday, October 03, 2012

611 Library Promotion Video

I was excited to use some of the features of iMovie that I've been exploring, so my library promotion video went a little long (it's about 30 seconds), and I had fun doing a voiceover and adding background music.  I also wanted to do something a little more exciting (and seasonally appropriate) than just recording me talking about the library with a webcam.  I used my phone to record the video, and while it's not super great quality, I think it turned out fine for a short, fun promotion like this.

Here it is:


Shannon said...

Wow! Really nicely done! Very professional and perfectly edited!

Sara R Johnson said...

I love how you showed the book covers, that is certain to spark more interest than just saying the titles. I look forward to exploring iMovie more so eventually I can make a video like this!

Marilyn Arnone said...


What an great job and you did this all with your cell phone! Like Shannon said, it looks professional. Your closed captioning timed our perfectly. Thanks for sharing.